The Dancing Disciples are comprised of a group of young women who mix the grace of classical ballet with the passion and boldness of contemporary Christian music. Not only do these girls share their talents with local churches, but they also share their work on a worldwide level by making videos of their dances available on Myspace and YouTube. In 2008, MMM interviewed three of the Dancing Disciples about their ministry -- here is what they had to say:

How has your understanding of dance changed from when you first began?

I have been dancing for 15 years. When I started I just wanted to a ballerina in a pink tutu. I didn't really know all that went into it. As I got older I realized that it's a lot of hard work and requires a lot of time. I have met all of my friends through ballet and they are the ones who make it fun when I’m too tired to go on. I have been in my company for about 5 years and love every minute of it. I recently joined Dancing Disciples which is comprised of a group of young women who love dancing and wanted to dance for God. I really enjoy dancing with the group and seeing the looks on peoples faces once they have seen us dance. It gives me satisfaction that I can bring people closer to God through my dancing. Being involved with the small world of ballet for so long and finally being able to use my talents to praise Him is a feeling I can't explain. I understand now that ballet is a way to express emotion and feeling through movements. It is more than complicated steps put together; it's a way to tell a story.
- Janell Webb, 18, Missouri, USA

How has dancing drawn you closer to God?

When I was nine years old, I got diabetes and was angry with God over my "misfortune." I wanted to draw close to him like I used to, but couldn't. Years later, Dancing Disciples has allowed me to find friends who believe in God and want to praise him using their talents. My friends have helped me enjoy God through dancing. Dancing allows me to express anything I feel to God. I've not only forgiven my grudge towards God, I've also gained more faith that God is all-powerful and works everything out in the end.
- Natalie K., 16, Missouri, USA

As a dancer, how do you connect with your audience?

I love dancing, it's my passion, a gift from God. And I love to share it with people! I'm a part of a Christian dance group called the Dancing Disciples. We have danced in churches, nursing homes, club meetings and our local city theatre. A favorite of mine is a dance we perform to the Mercy Me song, "I Can Only Imagine". The song is about when we get to heaven and see God -- "will we sing and dance? or, in awe of him be still?"

Personally, as a dancer, I love to connect with the audience through my expression. I want my face and movement to show not only my joy and happiness but to show the audience God's unfailing love. It's a blessing and amazing for me to see people open up to our message and see their smiles. And I'm having a blast too!
- Lydia M., 16, Missouri, USA

See more from the Dancing Disciples: YouTube


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